Tintin et le lotus bleu download youtube

This tintin book poster is a reproduction of the french cover of the blue lotus. When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. Through his investigative reporting, quickthinking, and allaround good nature, tintin is always able to solve the mystery and complete the adventure. The adventures of tintin the adventures of tintin were a veritable initiation into geography for entire generations. He is a reporter and adventurer who travels around the world with his dog snowy. See more ideas about tintin, comics and comic books. See more ideas about tintin, comics and tin tin cartoon. Feb 23, 2018 tintin ep 03 le lotus bleu comments are turned off. Pixi herge tintin kuifje serie n3 le lotus bleu tintin kuifje, milou et le chinois. Tintin et le lotus bleu, lundi 24 octobre a 20 h 30 sur france culture 1 aude carasco, le 24102016 a 11. Tintin en feuilleton, les bonnes ondes du lotus bleu. Le lotus bleu is the fifth volume of the adventures of tintin, the comics series by belgian cartoonist herge. Pixi herge tintin serie n3 le lotus bleu tintin, milou et le. The print le lotus bleu, first published in 1936, is the fifth installment of the adventures of tintin, a series of classic comicstrip albums written and illustrated by herge featuring young reporter tintin as the hero.

Commissioned by the conservative belgian newspaper le vingtieme siecle for its childrens supplement le petit vingtieme, it was serialised weekly from august 1934 to october 1935 before being published in a collected volume by casterman in 1936. Nov 02, 2006 tintin et le lotus bleu est ma bd preferee. Belgian artist herge wrote the blue lotus as an adventure for his cartoon hero, the young journalist tintin, in the early 1930s. Of the many tintin adventures, this one cuts the closest to historical events, capturing a moment in time in which china struggled with civil war, with the intrusive presence of europeans, and with a japanese. Unfollow tintin lotus bleu to stop getting updates on your ebay feed. With philippe agael, francois montagut, philippe rambaud, pierre val. At a time when television didnt exist, the international expeditions undertaken by the young reporter opened young peoples eyes to countries, cultures, landscapes and natural phenomena which were still relatively unheard of. It is a sequel to cigars of the pharaoh, with tintin continuing his struggle against a major gang of drug smugglers. Pixi herge tintin serie n3 le lotus bleu tintin opium. Pixi herge tintin kuifje serie n3 le lotus bleu tintin kuifje opium boutique album. Pourquoi il faut ecouter le lotus bleu sur france culture france inter. Tintin ep 03 le lotus bleu comments are turned off. Memorable quotes and exchanges from movies, tv series and more.